Synergy Loves Company

Synergy Loves Company

a Biweekly video podcast about Disney and how it is connected to everything else in our world. Walt and the Disney company have been making entertainment for a long time, and over the past century, Disney company has crossed paths with a lot of different influential people, technology, and industries.

Join Host Eric as he takes a look at Disney and invites guests to help me explore the company's connection to everything else one topic at a time.

For audio podcast episodes and more , visit
David Lynch and Disney
February 05, 202500:31:01

David Lynch and Disney

Explore the unique connections between filmmaker David Lynch and Disney in this episode of Synergy Loves Company. Eric dives into Lynch's cinematic career, highlighting key works like "Eraserhead," "The Elephant Man," "Blue Velvet," and his television masterpiece "Twin Peaks." During which he rubbed...

!New Synergy! Coming Soon! David Lynch and Disney!
February 04, 202500:00:53

!New Synergy! Coming Soon! David Lynch and Disney!

For more of how Disney connects to Everything Follow @synergylovescompany

I had a Strange Dream....New Episode Coming Soon!  #Disney #davidlynch
February 04, 202500:00:48

I had a Strange Dream....New Episode Coming Soon! #Disney #davidlynch

For more How Disney Connects to Everything, Subscribe @synergylovescompany

The Weird World of Disney Branded Fruit at Your Local Grocery Store
January 25, 202500:00:24

The Weird World of Disney Branded Fruit at Your Local Grocery Store

Veggie Fruit Fruit Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit! For more of how Disney Connects to Everything Subscribe @synergylovescompany

I don't know if I should sit in it or eat it?!  Babybel Cheese gets the Disney Check!
January 24, 202500:00:30

I don't know if I should sit in it or eat it?! Babybel Cheese gets the Disney Check!

For more of how Disney Connects to everything Subscribe to @synergylovescompany